Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ethical Behavior

1. The argument could be made that maybe ethical behavior is declining in our generation; more people are plagiarizing, cheating on spouses, not reporting crimes. With the Internet, plagiarizing, and meeting people are easier. With the ability to communicate easily, more and more people are doing unethical things without honestly realizing it. The argument could also be made, alternatively, that maybe because of the internet people are just getting caught more.

2. I think schools should just find a way to motivate students more. If students were intrinsically motivated, students wouldn't be lazy and just cheat on their book reports. And if students are motivated earlier in life, that motivation carries on (just like unethical behavior early in life leads to unethical behavior later). If kids have the right kind of motivation while they're young, they'll continue that behavior. For example, instead of cheating on his wife, a man will want to solve his marital problems and take the time to talk them through with her.

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