Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Final Exam

1. On my wikispace page for the most part figuring out how to do everything was pretty self-explanatory.  The only problems that I had was trying to add my first link and put different words over it; it took me a couple of tries but I figured it out pretty quickly. Wikispace was set up well in general I thought, so I didn't have much of a problem navigating around and getting to where I needed to be. The layout made it pretty easy to write the article and insert pictures as well.

2. I agree with most of the qualities in the 17. I think that I do well at being mission-oriented, and having an idea of a long term goal in mind. I always am sure to know how even the little things can effect my goals in the future. I also think that for the most part I'm pretty selfless. I always try to think of other people in the group and how they feel about what's happening, and I always try to include people (if they're tolerable, and if they're not there's nothing I can do about that). I definitely know that my weakest point is being organized; every year I'm motivated at first to be organized and keep everything organized but it always turns into a jumbled mess. Procrastinating./being lazy and being organized don't really go together.

3. In this class I thought that a few topics that we covered were good and a few weren't really necessary. For example, the sections we did on music were kind of interesting, and I'd have liked to go a bit more in depth with that; censorship would have been a good thing to talk about because it's really important. Even advertising would have been interesting, because there are so many different components to good advertising. However, I thought the section on tattoos and piercings and body image was kind of pointless; it didn't seem like there was much of a point, as there was never really any connection made between body art and media literacy.

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